Would You Like to Become a Weavers Way Board Member? Here’s What You Need to Know

This month marks the kick-off of the 2021 election season for the Weavers Way Board of Directors. Voting begins in April and is completed at the Spring General Membership Meeting in early May, resulting in four cooperators joining, or in some cases re-joining, our 11-member board.
All members in good standing are eligible to run for the Board, so please consider it! Becoming a Board member is one of the most impactful ways you can contribute to the long-term health and vitality of the Co-op. Each Board member is elected for a three-year term, with a limit of two consecutive terms. For 2021, two Board members will be running for reelection.
At our monthly Zoom-enabled meetings, which are held the first Tuesday of the month, we generally focus on trends in our stores, various financial matters, member surveys and committee reports, and strategic planning. Additional meetings may be called to address timely opportunities for Weavers Way. Currently, the pandemic and its impacts on the Co-op are the top-of-the-list issues of importance to the Board. Other important issues include member engagement, racial diversity and inclusion, and staff compensation, among others.
The Board requires a generous time commitment from its directors, since much of our work is done in small groups that supplement the monthly meetings. We are looking for candidates who will use their talents, interests, and involvement with our community to represent our membership. Those who understand and respect group process serve us well. As part of your service, you’ll receive education and training in Board procedures, especially as they relate to cooperatives.
All interested in running for the Board are required to attend at least one Board meeting prior to the election. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 5, and Tuesday, Feb. 2. Please contact boardadmin@weaversway.coop if you plan to attend. In addition, it will be helpful to review the minutes from recent Board meetings in the Co-op’s online Member Center (members.weaversway.coop) to become familiar with our work.
Information sessions for potential candidates will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 30, at 10 a.m. Please contact leadershipcommittee@weaversway.coop to request the Zoom link. Potential candidates need attend only one of these two sessions.
Candidates must submit a ballot nomination by Sunday, Feb. 28 with a written statement and a photo. Specific instructions will be given at the information sessions, in the Shuttle, and on the Co-op’s website. In March, individual video interviews will be produced and posted on the website to provide opportunities for members to get to know each candidate a little more.
Being on the Weavers Way Board is rewarding and appreciated by the membership. It’s a great way to become involved in our co-op community and to work with a committed and involved group of folks, including some of our staff. As Board members, we have the opportunity to take a deep dive into — and be an advocate for — the cooperative model of business.
Additional information is available at www.weaversway.coop/board-elections.