Weavers Words
Holl Haiku
Sweeping debris from Zinnia Garden
.. a single cricket
walks along broken brick wall.
— Dagmar Iris Holl
Let the sweet air in.
Let it sweep away the life-worn places.
Let stillness enter the hour,
Graceful and empyreal.
— Kathy Bridget, Roanoke, VA
(former Weavers Way member)
The Elephant Who Fell
An elephant fell from a tree one night, and no one seemed to care.
Upon reflection, it seemed to me, that few folks knew that he was there.
Perhaps, some thought, he’s of the imaginary kind.
And that he and the tree could be seen only by me,
Thanks to an overactive mind.
Some would see that he was up in that tree because my psyche is most fragile.
But my story, you see, is that he fell from that tree,
Cause he is an elephant not so agile.
— Frank Hollick
Feeling Inspired? Here Are Our Guidelines:
- Poems must be written by you and can contain no more than eight lines.
- The Shuttle editor has the final say as to whether a poem is suitable for publication.
- The number of poems in an issue is determined by the amount of space available.
- Members and nonmembers are welcome to submit.
- Email your submissions to editor@weaversway.coop and put “Poetry submission for Shuttle” in the subject line.
- Preference for publishing will be given to those whose work has yet to appear in the paper.
Thanks. We’re looking forward to your creation!