Weavers Way Cooperative Board Election Process for Spring Elections 2024

Any questions regarding the information here? Contact the Leadership Committee at leadershipcommittee@weaversway.coop.
Information for Prospective Candidates
Weavers Way is a growing, dynamic food co-op in a region where competition for our grocery business is increasing. This is a rewarding time to be a part of the Weavers Way Board. You are encouraged to read these materials and decide if you wish to become a candidate.
For the upcoming 2024 election, we need to fill four at-large positions on our governing board of 11 members. Each board member is elected for a three-year term with a limit of two consecutive terms. Elections take place throughout April and end at the Spring General Membership Meeting in early May.
While Board service can be fun, it is also serious business. Members who are interested in running for the Board are strongly encouraged to take both their candidacy and, if elected, Board service seriously. Board terms are three years each, with the option of running for a second consecutive term.
The Board of Directors of Weavers Way operates using the model of Policy Governance. This model of leadership results in the Board using very little of its time making operational decisions. Rather, the Board focuses its attention on the strategic direction of the cooperative, engaging with members and evaluating management performance. Policies have been developed by the Board outlining:
- How the Board functions.
- How authority is delegated to management.
- What limitations management may have.
- To what Ends management is working.
Management then reports to the Board in written monitoring reports as to compliance or non-compliance with these policies.
Directors have fiduciary responsibility to Weavers Way's member-owners to act in an informed and prudent manner. Directors have a duty to represent the members at large and to act in their best interests (not those of any faction thereof).
The Process
Interested members are welcome to contact the Co-op's Leadership Committee with questions at leadershipcommittee@weaversway.coop.
The official deadline for candidacy is Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. To run as a candidate, the following items are required:
- Must attend at least one Board meeting prior to becoming a candidate. Upcoming regularly scheduled Board meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, Jan 9, Tuesday, Feb. 5. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. Please contact our board administrator in advance of your attendance.
- Must attend a "Run for the Board Information Session". Three Sessions will occur on the following dates:
- Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m.
- Saturday, Jan. 27, at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, Feb. 3, at 10 a.m.
- Must submit a candidate application by Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024.
- Must state all potential conflicts of interest on application and must not have an overriding conflict of interest.
- Must sign an agreement specifying that, if elected, you will fulfill the expectations of Board service as listed below.
- Must submit a resume (for the Board's use only), a photo, a video statement and a 250-word (total) response to the following questions:
- Why are you a member of Weavers Way? Please describe your involvement in Weavers Way: shopper (at which of our stores), working member, committee member, special projects and other activities.
- Describe your experience with overseeing a business or organization’s budget and financial performance.
- What do you perceive to be the long- and short-term challenges facing Weavers Way?
- What volunteer or professional experiences have you had with other cooperatives or organizations that will help you strengthen the Weavers Way Board?
Video statements by candidates will be recorded in March. Each candidate's photo and the responses to the questions above will be published in the Weavers Way Shuttle and on the Weavers Way website. Video statements will also be published on the Co-op's website.
Candidate Application Packet
Director Requirements
(Per Weavers Way bylaws)
- Must be a Weavers Way member in good standing.
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
Director Expectations
- Commitment to cooperative principles.
- Familiarity with and adherence to Weavers Way's Ends, Bylaws and Board policies.
- Willingness to work within Policy Governance model for Board work.
- Willingness to serve for a term of three years.
- Availability to attend Board meetings, usually the first Tuesday of the month 11 months of the year. (The Board does not meet in August.)
- Willingness to dedicate significant time to Board work (6+ hours per month), come to each Board meeting having read the materials and be able to participate knowledgeably in discussion.
- Willingness to engage in educational opportunities and offerings, which may involve travel.
- Willingness to participate in Weavers Way meetings in addition to Board meetings.
- An ability to communicate via email, including transmittal of potentially large attachments.
- Ability to understand financial statements or be willing and able to learn.
- Professional attitude, including keeping confidentiality.
Skills, Abilities and Experience Desirable for a Director
Prior experience and professional training are not required to run for the Board. However, these skills, abilities and experience are helpful to Weavers Way Board members:
- Understanding of natural foods and nutrition.
- Experience or knowledge in the following: business finance, strategic planning and goal setting, human resources and labor relations, program assessment, grocery business, legal arenas, organizational development.
- Experience serving on other boards, for-profit or nonprofit.