Schuylkill Center Visitors Center to Resume Daily Schedule Starting Sept. 8

After being closed for almost six months, the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education in Upper Roxborough will reopen its entire visitor center on Tuesday, Sept. 8 and resume its regular hours of 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
According to Amy Krauss, the center’s director of communications, there are new protocols in place to help create a worry-free experience in the center, including enhanced cleaning procedures and monitored inside capacity. Visitors will be required to wear a mask. For more information on the new protocols, visit the center’s website: www.schuylkillcenter.org.
The center’s gallery show, “Ecotactical: Earth Day at 50,” opens on Sept. 21, with a virtual opening scheduled for Monday, Sept. 24. Originally planned for April, the exhibit examines the role of Earth Day 50 years after the first celebration in 1970. Featured exhibitors include Ants on a Log, Nicole Donnelly, Julia Way Rix, Kristen Neville Taylor, Tools for Action, Sophy Tuttle, Water Ways, and Pili X.
Over the summer, the center offered digital programs on various nature subjects, and will continue to do that next month. Upcoming programs include “Bee Basics: Honeybees and Beekeeping” on Sept. 10, and “Bats: Cause of — and Possible Cure for — COVID-19” on Sept. 17.