Electronics Recycling Day Needs an Efficient Overhaul
On Saturday, March 23, I went to the Electronics Recycling Day at Norwood Fontbonne. While I am grateful to have a place to dispose of my old electronics and batteries, I was struck by how massively inefficient the event was set up. In fact, I had a full hour to ponder this, because that is how long it took to drop my items off. Cars were lined up Germantown Avenue as far back as Chestnut Hill Avenue. And those cars had their engines on. If the goal is to divert electronics from landfills and to further protect and preserve the environment, I ask you to consider the environmental effects of 100 cars needlessly idling for an hour. There has to be a better way! I know there are intelligent Co-op members who can make future electronics recycling events more efficient. Please, out of respect for the environment (and the precious time of your fellow members), make this event better!
- Aimee Della Porta