Bliss Interrupted
Why CBD ’Booch Taps Are Running Dry
Soon after Mt. Airy started selling the much-anticipated CBD-spiked Cannabliss kombucha from L.A.-based GT’s Living Foods, and before our Ambler store could put it on tap, a clog in distribution is choking sales.
“The message I received from our GT’s rep doesn’t make me think this will be swiftly resolved,” Mt. Airy Grocery Manager Matt Hart emailed last month after he tried to reorder Cannabliss through BK Specialty Foods of Swedesboro, NJ, the only area supplier.
Turns out the clog is a bit further up the pipe — BK’s supplier, Dora’s Naturals of South Hackensack, NJ, has stopped ordering Cannabliss, citing a lack of clarity about the legality of distributing cannabidiol-enhanced products in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, particularly across state lines. “Once we get this ironed out and we are more informed, we do anticipate them carrying the kegs again in the future,” Lauren Sheeran, southeast region manager for food service for GT’s, told BK. Meanwhile, BK’s Rayna Kractchman tells us they’re looking into picking up Cannabliss directly.
Ambler had stocked up on Cannabliss but delayed its coming-out, waiting on the delivery of a custom GT’s kegerator. The kegerator arrived in October, and is pumping Cannabliss, as long as it lasts, in The Café, alongside GT’s Gingerade flavor.
— Karen Plourde