We're Building a Tool Library
Did you know that the average home drill is used for a total of 13 minutes in its lifetime?
What if instead of buying tools that we will only use a few times, we could all borrow what we need from a Weavers Way community tool library?
With community enthusiasm and support, a tool library could soon be a reality! From sledgehammers to circular saws, honey extractors to ice-cream makers, we hope to gather tools and supplies that most people don’t own but would love to use occasionally.
Have you ever needed a specific tool to do a particular job but you know you will probably never need that tool again? Say you’re hanging lots of trim or framing, or putting down flooring. You probably need a pneumatic nailer ($200-$400 at Home Depot). If you keep backyard bees and have honey to harvest, you will need a honey extractor (a $150 piece of equipment). There are so many tools that most people would love to borrow!
The West Philly Tool Library shares its collection of over 4,000 tools with more than 2,000 dues-paying members each year. While the Weavers Way collection will likely be much smaller, our library will also be offered at no cost to Co-op members. We will also be able to learn from the West Philly Tool Library, which generously offers guidance and resources to others interested in starting tool libraries of their own.
Once our tool library is established, any member of the Co-op would be able to check out tools for home maintenance, yard work, carpentry, car repairs and more!
If you have tools to donate or would like to get involved with the Tool Library Planning Committee, let us know! Email Programs Coordinator Stephanie Bruneau at sbruneau@weaversway.coop.