Members: Now Get Your Receipts by Email!
This month, we’re talkin’ Zero Waste! We’re renewing our commitment to the Co-op’s End 6, which states that the local environment will be protected and restored. (Read them all at www.weaversway.coop/ends.)
So what better time to introduce our newest membership feature — email receipts!
Beginning May 1, members can opt to have their receipts emailed to them. Just log in to the online Member Center (member.weaversway.coop) and make your choice: Switch to having all receipts sent by email or only EasyPay receipts. Or do nothing and stick with the current default, which is no receipts emailed. Look for an email from the Membership Department with a detailed explanation of how to set your receipt preferences.
(Of course, for this to work, you must have an accurate email address on file! You can check and edit your email, and other member information, by logging in to the Member Center and going to the “My Household” area.)
I was one of the first to test this new process and, at the risk of exposing myself as a total nerd, I will say that I love it!
How often have I taken the receipt at the register because I was going to “budget”? I never budget. I stuff the receipt in my pocket, in my bag, in my purse and never look at it again. I really value the ability to look over my purchases when I have the time, as opposed to when I'm flying out the door, on to my next adventure. Reviewing the receipt at my convenience allows me to ensure that my purchase was processed accurately and to reflect on it. And that has already influenced my buying habits. Sure, Weavers Way prepared foods are convenient (and, of course, delicious), but it is so much more economical to prepare my own food. There are definitely changes that I can make toward my goal of becoming a more thrifty shopper — and it’s hard to argue when it is in black and white and in my email in-box!
There are other advantages as well. Emailing receipts eliminates receipt paper. This is good for the planet (and can save the Co-op money). The benefit for EasyPay users is greater security. I would encourage all members who utilize EasyPay to opt for email receipts. It’s the best way to be certain that only members of your household are making purchases on your account. On the rare occasion that an error occurs, you will know, and we can fix it.
Please note that even if you opt for email receipts, you can still request a printed receipt from the cashier for any purchase.
We are excited about this enhancement. We hope you will give it a try. Email receipts are just the first of a number of improvements planned for the member system, so stay tuned!